
TippyTalk Blog

    Rob Laffan

    Recent Posts

    6 Myths About AAC

    It's time to address some of the myths about AAC 

    After four years as the CEO of TippyTalk, and as the father of Sadie, who is autistic, I’ve started blogging to share what I’ve learned about autism...

    Awareness, Acceptance or Inclusion for Autism

    So tell me, what does autism looks like, if you know then you should have no problem looking at the picture above and picking out the person living with autism.

    Our First Success Through TippyTalk

    Assumptions Made about ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Advice From One Autism Parent To Another

    Autism The Difficulty Of Hygiene


    A difficulty shared  by a lot of children on the autism spectrum is their dislike for the personal hygiene process. This is due most often to sensory issues. I’ve experienced this with my own...

    The power of keeping a promise

    To my beautiful Sadie

    The importance of social communication

    The Importance of social communication by Rob Laffan 19/05/2016